Prevent Heartburn Cancer
Understanding the Connection Between Heartburn and Esophageal Cancer
Watch this patient tell his story of how he “dodged a bullet.”
His only symptoms were chronic heartburn. However, his gastroenterologist discovered precancerous cells. They were promptly removed before they could progress to a common form of Esophageal Cancer – one of the fastest growing cancers in America.
Due to recent advances in the detection and treatment of still harmless but pre-cancerous cells, gastroenterologists can now better help prevent Esophageal Adenocarcinoma – one of the fastest growing cancers in America.

ASGE is proud to announce an awareness campaign about the relationship between chronic heartburn and esophageal cancer. This Esophageal Cancer awareness campaign has been funded through a partnership with CDx Diagnostics, the provider of WATS3D® testing for Barrett’s esophagus.
© 2024 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy